Network alteration request

We'll use the information you provide to contact you and process your enquiry. Please don't provide any personal sensitive information.

Please also read our privacy policy which describes how we may use your personal information.

Tell us about the nature of the work?

Please tell us how many cables you would like us to relocate
Please choose an option below
Please choose an option below

If the cable is fibre then there will be a yellow warning label on the pole that states 'CAUTION OVERHEAD FIBRE'

Overhead cable warning message
Please choose an option below
Please provide this information
Please provide this information
Please provide this information

Tell us about you

Please tell us your name.
Please tell us your name.
Please enter a valid email address e.g.
Please provide your phone number

Please give us the address where the work is taking place

Please provide the name or number of your building
Please enter a building number
Please provide the street name
Please tell us which town you're in.
Please enter a valid UK Post Code e.g. AB1 1XY

Please give us your billing address

Please the building name or number
Please provide the billing street name
Please provide the billing town
Please provide the billing post code
Would you like to capture alternative site contact details for our engineers to call directly?  *
Please answer this question

Please choose an option from the drop down
Please tell us your name.

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