
Full fibre broadband build could be a “game-changer” for Welsh economy


New study reveals that a full fibre network in Wales could enable nearly 49,000 people to re-enter the Welsh workforce through better flexible working. (Gweler fersiwn Cymraeg isod / Welsh language version below)

A comprehensive full fibre network in Wales could enable nearly 49,000 people to re-enter the Welsh workforce through better flexible working according to a report carried out by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr).

The report, commissioned by Openreach, also reveals that a nationwide full fibre broadband network would also allow almost 18,000 people across Wales to expand the hours they are able to work if they wanted. And helping carers, parents and over-65s to access employment could contribute around £1.3bn in gross value added to the Welsh economy.

Connie Dixon, Partnership Director for Openreach in Wales, said: “This report illustrates just how game-changing the roll out of full fibre broadband across Wales could be.”

“The pandemic has reinforced public recognition of the importance of high-quality broadband and we’re clear that fibre has a significant part to play in the Welsh recovery.

“The Cebr findings show accelerating the build would pay huge dividends to the Welsh economy as a whole and be instrumental in bringing people back into the workforce who haven’t previously had the ability to navigate other commitments or find opportunities in their local area.

“We look forward to working closely with the next Welsh government to remove red tape and deliver access to full fibre to thousands more people – through our commercial programmes and in partnership - and supporting the economic recovery in Wales.”

Openreach is investing £ hundreds of millions on full fibre rollout to Welsh towns and cities, including around 100 locations in the hard-to-reach ‘final third’ of the country. More than 260,000 Welsh homes and business can already access full fibre and other ultrafast technology through the network of service providers who use the Openreach network.

At a UK level, the report finds that the nationwide rollout of Full Fibre broadband could bring up to a million people back into the workforce; save 700,000 tonnes of CO2 emitted from car commuting trips; and support 500,000 people to move from urban to more rural areas across the UK, helping stimulate economic growth.

This short video explains what Full Fibre technology is and you can find out more about our Fibre First programme here.

Band eang ffeibr cyflawn am “weddnewid” economi Cymru

Astudiaeth newydd yn datgelu gallai band eang cyflawn gefnogi 49,000 gweithiwr newydd

Gallai rhwydwaith band eang cyflawn cynhwysfawr alluogi bron 49,000 person i ailymuno â gweithlu Cymru wrth gefnogi dulliau gwaith hyblyg, yn ôl adroddiad gan Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr).

Mae’r adroddiad, a gomisiynwyd gan Openreach, hefyd yn awgrymu byddai lledu rhwydwaith band eang cyflawn ar draws y wlad yn galluogi bron 18,000 person i ymestyn eu horiau gwaith. A gallai helpu cynhalwyr, rhieni a phobl dros 65 i gael gwaith gyfrannu oddeutu £1.3bn o werth gros uwch at economi Cymru.

Dywedodd Connie Dixon, cyfarwyddwraig partneriaeth Openreach yng Nghymru: “Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn dangos sut allai band eang ffeibr cyflawn weddnewid dyfodol Cymru.”

“Mae profiadau pobl o’r pandemig wedi cadarnhau pa mor bwysig yw band eang yn eu bywydau ac mae’n amlwg bydd ffeibr yn chwarae rhan arwyddocaol wrth adfer y wlad.

“Yn ôl astudiaeth Cebr, byddai cyflymu’r rhaglen adeiladu o werth enfawr i economi Cymru ac yn allweddol wrth ddenu pobl yn ôl i’r gweithlu nad oedd gynt yn gallu gweithio oherwydd dyletswyddau eraill neu ddiffyg cyfleoedd lleol.

“Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gydweithio â’r Llywodraeth nesaf er mwyn gwaredu rhwystrau gweinyddol a darparu ffeibr cyflawn ar gyfer miloedd o bobl ychwanegol - drwy ein rhaglenni masnachol ac mewn partneriaeth - a chefnogi adfywiad economaidd Cymru.”

Mae Openreach yn buddsoddi cannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd ar y rhaglen i ledu ffeibr cyflawn i drefi a dinasoedd Cymru, yn cynnwys oddeutu 100 lleoliad anodd eu cyrraedd mewn ‘treian olaf’ y wlad. Erbyn hyn mae dros 260,000 cartref a busnes yn gallu cael band eang ffeibr cyflawn a thechnolegau tra-chyflym eraill drwy’r cwmnïau gwasanaeth sy’n defnyddio rhwydwaith Openreach.

Ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, datgelodd yr adroddiad y gallai band eang ffeibr cyflawn ddenu hyd at 1 miliwn o bobl yn ôl i’r gweithlu; gan arbed 700,000 tunnell o allyriadau CO2 ceir; a helpu 500,000 person i symud o ardaloedd trefol i wledig ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, gan helpu i symbylu tyfiant economaidd.

Fideo byr yn esbonio technoleg ffeibr cyflawn a manylion pellach am ein rhaglen ffeibr yma.